jueves, 14 de junio de 2012

Internet Addiction Test


 I've just taken a TEST on Internet Addiction and I have obtained the following results:34 points.

According to the test, the meaning of this result is: 20 - 49 points: You are an average on-line user. You may surf the Web a bit too long at times, but you have control over your usage. 

In my opinion, this test is very educational, and you can know how addicted are. 

Best Regad !!

My Favorite Activities

My favourite activity when I´m not at school is do maths. I like pythagoras, equations, problems and activities. 

I think my works and my friends are good. I have also attended maths lessons for almost one year and I have taught my family some lessons.

 I think I could help people in the class who want to learn maths. 

Thanks and have you a good day !! 

miércoles, 13 de junio de 2012

Harvest Time. Recogiendo la cosecha

 Bueno, en primer lugar, para poder ver con exactitud lo que estuvimos trabajando durante todo el curso se puede acceder al BLOG  general de nuestra asignatura. 
  • Lo primero que hicimos  crearnos una cuenta en "IT'S MY WORLD" para trabajar sobre cosas de nuestros perfiles . Estuvimos  subiendo fotos y entradas sobre un actor favorito nuestro.
  • After that, we tried the topic of “Recycling” and you wrote a letter explaining a problem anda asking for solutions. Find your entry HERE and make one or two comments -if you want- about it.
  • Hace poco, estuvimos empezando a trabajar en nuestro BLOG PERSONAL lo que hemos aprendido lo puedes ver en nuestro blog.
  • Por supuesto también hemos trabajado en papel, todos tenemos tres portafolios con trabajos.

 Estas son las actividades que estuvimos haciendo durante las tres evaluaciones en nuestra clase.

jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012

My Hero

My hero is my family they live in Motril. My parents are called Jesús and Ana. Most people living in my house are old exept my little brother. My father was born on November 11in Salobreña and my mother on May 13 at "Santa Adela".

I like to study and attending classes at school. Teachers explain thing I don't understand.

They are important to me because I am a polite person and so, they are my heroes.

jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012

Charca de suárez

I have collaborated in the making of the "Virtual map of Motril  for Young People" with an entry about: "CHARCA DE SUÁREZ".

"This is the best place for watching bird and animals. It is affordable and beautiful. HERE you can watch very beautiful bird and animals like
ducks, foxes, snakes, frogs, butterflies, ...

Thank you !!